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The App Generation, written by Katie Davis and Howard Gardner, examines how today's youth is influenced by technology and how they navigate these new mediums. The book talks about how youth especially uses technology in the areas of identity, intimacy and imagination. The book proved to be an incredible resource for this documentary because it told the story of different research focus groups and young people who provide the positives and negatives to a ever innovating culture.


In the documentary Emily Weinstein, a contributing author, discusses her experience with the research conducted and what she took away from her findings. A scenario she discussed that was not shown in the film was that a student explained to her that a couple of friends went to the restaurant to get together and instead of keeping their phones in their pockets, they made a pile of the phones on the table and agreed not to check their phones while they were together.


Emily continued in speaking that she found this to be a great example of what she found from her research. A main point that was discussed in the book was that today's youth may be more connected than any young group ever before, but more and more of them are creating practices to balance communication and face to face interaction. On top of this example, there are multiple contributing authors and researchers who helped speak with a younger generation who are going to be some of the first ot really grow up with these technologies. For both a great resource and great read, it is much recommended. The App Generation is sold both in stores and also online on Amazon.

The 5 Love Languages is a novel that examines both you and your significant other's love language and how to forge a long lasting, strong relationship. Written by Gary Chapman, the book begins with a questionaire to determine your love language and then dives into how to not only express yours in your relationship but how to understand that of your partners, and how to take this into a strong and full relationship.


The love languages are Quality Time, Acts of Service, Words of Affection, Giving Gifts and Physical Touch. In the film, couple Megan and Grant talk about having read the book and finding their love languages to be impossible while doing long distance. They read the book as a source of guidance and for strengthening their relationship, especially when apart.


Chapman suggests in the book that in order to discover what one's love language is, you have to observe how express love to others, and how you understand them. Grant makes a strong point in the film saying that from long distance, you find other ways to love people and it makes your relationship stronger. Another great resource for both close and long distance couples, it is a text that is helpful, advising and insightful.


The 5 Love Languages is avaiable in stores and on Amazon. Their site can be found here.

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