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Sarah Hiers

Sarah is a Marketing and Digital Demand Specialist at Spacesaver. Sarah is a recent grad from college and is experiencing her first job which happens to have a long distance component. Sarah lives in Massachusetts while her boss is out of Wisconsin. Everyday sarah has a skype call with her boss and a team that is scatered across North America.

Rob O'Neill

Rob is a Sales Operating Specialist at Veritas Technologies LLC. He recently relocated to Orlando Florida after moving from Massachusetts. Rob deals with long distance communication daily with his boss being loacted back in Massachusetts and the representatives that he works with that are located all over the globe.

Chuck Paiva

Chuck Paiva is the president of International Marine Industries LLC which is based in Newport, Rhode Island. IMI Fisheries buys and sells fish across the world to areas such as Japan, South America and Europe. Having been in the business for over 20 years, Chuck has seen the changes and the evolution of technology in the work place and how it has benefited the company tremendously.

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